Rob van der Lei dreamt of being an artist since he was 5 years old. He made his first “real” painting when he was six using gouache and a cavas made of cardboard and an old bedscheet. He worked as an electronic engineer on ships for a long time because he did not believe in himself to become a fulltime artist. But he kept drawing, painting learning and experimenting. He dreamt of painting the world inside his head and bringing it to life in this world. His burnout in 2006 was a pivotal moment and started his journey of self discovery and self-development, soul-searching.

Now he wanted to help people with his art and his ability to listen and started making memorial paintings especially for people that lost there child. In 2017 he bought a farm in Germany to convert it to a retreat centre.
After his divorce in 2019 he exhibited his work in Germany in a soloshow called “ Loslassen” which means ,letting go, in German.
Making a birthday present for his brothers wife together with his partner Ekieh Tlekcorb sparked the development of the reflection technique,
The collaborated with the the artist Ashley Christudason from Singapore gave the perfect opportunity to elaborate on the reflection technique.That same year the De_Lights, light sculptures were born. In 2023 escaping the cold winters of Germany he started a roadtrip to the south of Spain with his twin flame Heike, which ended in January where they survived a car crash and stranded at Costa the la Luz where they met José. They both joint forces and offer you this new and unique paint your dream retreat in this regenerative accommodation to help you create what’s in in your mind eye and also gain some insights that will give you more clarity and peace in your life.

Discovery 1,0 Acrylic paint on Dibond 1m x 4 times 0,5m