
There was once a magnate from a powerful banking family who was taken with the extraordinary talent of a young artist. He was so impressed that he paid for the artist’s education and even gave the young man’s father a job. The wealthy patron was Lorenzo de Medici and the young artist was Michelangelo. (Bron)

If you would like to support me, you might want to consider being a patron. Feel free to contact

I am so proud and happy with my fist real Patron Melanie MCCool, she not only supported me financially but also gave me the tools to bust the last of my limiting believes. What she does is amazing and I can highly recommend her if you want to scale up your prosperity or your earring level. Having Melanie as my patron, gave me tremendous support, because by being my patron she, as a complete stranger at the time, showed me that she believed in me and my art, and I a very grateful for that. Thanks Melanie.