
The term Inneristic style was invented by Rob van der Lei also known as De Levensschilder in 2020.

Inneristic style depends on the inner-being, the creator within. Feeling good while creating is the first priority. Many artist’s know, they love to create, but are only feeling good at the beginning and at the end of their creative process. In the beginning, while an idea is born, at the end, while they finally finished the work and have the result to show.

Rob van der Lei believes, if you are in alignment with your inner-being or the divine part of you, then it feels good. However, as we create, we are often frustrated and acting out of fear, distracted by what we think or thinking what others think. Thinking is allowed, but should always be in service of the inner-being, the real artist. No judgement, if the creation, the artwork is good or bad, the only thing to consider is, if the process is feeling good. “You know when you feel that feeling, when you feel it” he says. The aim is to create with only that feeling. The feeling of excitement and tranquility and inner peace.

The surrealist try to paint from pure fantasy, free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious was of utmost importance. And in that lies the danger, Rob thinks. If you make it too important then you are no longer free.